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The "Why" for Choosing Dentistry with Dr. Matt Standridge - RD Podcast

In this day in age, it’s so easy to get caught in the trap of comparing your life to what you see online, especially when it comes to social media. The problem is that people tend to show only the best parts of their lives, so we don’t see any of the hard times. But just as important as sharing our victories is sharing when we struggle, and in this episode, Dr. Matt Standridge does just that.

Now the owner of Yates Center Dental and the man behind the popular Ketodontist Podcast, Matt opens up about a time when things weren’t so good. He talks about his battle with depression, sharing his lowest point and what he did to get his life back on track. Listen in to hear his inspiring story, as well as advice for taking care of your mental wellbeing.

Key Quotes:

  • “There are so many people that are growing their business, growing their practice, while tearing themselves down, which clearly isn’t a sustainable model.”
  • “I was stressed out to the gills; I did not want to get up in the morning … I even had thoughts of suicide. … That’s when I started really doing a deep dive on myself and reconnecting with, okay, what was the point of all this?”
  • “With the magazines and the forums and the boom of social media and everything, you see all this great work and all these people that show their best selves online, and that FOMO—that fear of missing out—it can really creep in.”
  • “The most difficult thing when you’re really struggling as a professional, as a community leader, as a leader within your practice, is that you might be in a state of crisis, but you still have that feeling of obligation to show the world that everything’s okay.”
  • “The thing is with meditation, you can’t be too idealistic about it. You’re going to have thoughts. If you do it when you’re tired, you may nod off. It’s all okay.”
  • “Depression from what I understand is a lot like addictions. It can come back in a heartbeat if you let it, so it’s that being vigilant to keep it from rearing its ugly head again.”
  • “It took a long time to finally get it through my thick skull, but you can’t be everything to everybody.”
  • “There’s really power in talking about our victories, but also our fumbles and interceptions.”

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