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Quotes & Notes: 

  • “I wanted to take us back in the journey of the entrepreneur.” 
  • John Lee Dumas on "Fear, Failure and F.O.C.U.S" - RD Podcasts“Life is ever-evolving, ever-changing.  If you’re not willing to embrace change and to embrace the fear of trying something new and learning different skills, then you will be left in the dust.”
  • “Acronym for the word Focus…follow one course until success.”
  • “If I just keep chasing things, I’ll never get anywhere.”
  • “If I find a passion…marry that passion with a viable business and then focus on it, laser focus on it, and follow that one course that I set for myself until it’s successful, that’s when it will happen.”
  • “We’re all looking for ways that we can exploit the knowledge that we have that other people aren’t utilizing.”
  • “Tim Ferriss, he didn’t break any rules, he just learned the rules better than anybody else and maximized that.”
  • “Stop being boxed into all that you know and all that you’re hearing…that’s all inside the box and that’s just going to get you where everybody else is.”
  • “If you, as dentists, can think outside of the box that is how you are going to learn systems that work.”

All-Star Mentions:  Tim Ferriss and M.J. Demarco

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