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Quotes & Notes:

Gregg Vanourek on “Life Entrepreneurs” - Relentless Dentist Podcast

  • “Life Entrepreneurship – being the entrepreneur of your life. It’s about creating an extraordinary life by integrating your life, your work and your purpose.”
  • “…applying the principles and practices of entrepreneurship to everything you do.”
  • “We’re all hungry to lead a good life.”
  • “You want to be happy, you want the important people in your life to be happy, you want to create environments where people can be happy, but how much time do we actually spend on it?”
  • “…there’s a crisis of meaning.”
  • “If you don’t have the courage to actually step up and do it, to act on your convictions, or to make a change…then it’s all meaningless, it’s all academic.”
  • “You are much stronger if you take the time to renew and unplug and then come back with renewed energy.”
  • Two books inspired Gregg’s current mantra – Daring Greatly & The Happiness Project. His current mantra –  “be Gregg.”
  • His second mantra was inspired by John Accoff, author of Start –  “punch fear in the face.”


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