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Quotes & Notes:The key to Increasing Production with Deanna L. Robinson - RD Podcast

  • If we increase one area of our life, the other areas like relationships and our enjoyment of life, health, they all are interconnected. We start out by increasing productivity, but it affects all areas.
  • Primarily how gratitude works is let’s say we’ve got $10,000 in the bank and we say, “Gosh I just have that $ 10,000 dollar. That’s all I’ve got.” You feel even just the energy in those thoughts and those words. Or, I can refer to it as “Oh, I’m so grateful. I’ve got $10,000 dollars in the bank.” The more we express it… the more that we see opportunity.
  • All of a sudden she feels better about herself (because you showed her gratitude) and she looks for ways to improve her skills.

Every night before you get into bed, pause and think about every moment you are grateful for.  All night long you brain is going through all the things you are grateful for and it increases more of what you are grateful for.

  • If you want to be happy, you have to actually decide to be happy.
  • That’s probably why dentists have such a high suicide rate because they keep thinking oh it’s the next thing that’s going to make me happy. So let’s decide to be grateful and happy right now.
  • The two things I suggest everyone do is practice gratitude, make it a gratitude practice. And then the other thing I found that can hold someone back in productivity is when a dentist is holding a grudge.
  • I always say when you hold a grudge against someone it is like drinking a tiny bit of arsenic every day and hoping that another person is going to die.
  • “I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”~Pablo Picasso.

If you would like to learn more from Dianna Robinson you can go to her website

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