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The Road to Ownership with Dr. Craig Smith - Relentless Dentist Podcast

Most people have inspirations and wise leadership in their life that helped point them in the right direction with their career. Dr. Craig Smith credits his parents with instilling wisdom of finances and business from an early age. He joins us on the show to share his journey to finding his passion for dentistry all the way until now where he is the owner of his own general practice and the developer of Dental CE Network.

Craig shares what initially drew him into the dental industry and what priorities in his life helped him to decide his path and where to put his focus. He also shares the steps he took to get to ownership and discusses some issues and roadblocks he had along the way. He talks about his hesitance to buy a practice and weighs the positives and negatives of partnerships.

Finally, Craig talks about how he started the Dental CE Network and why he decided to get involved in that area. He casts a great vision for revolutionizing how, where and why dentists can get the continuing education that they want and need.

Key Quotes:

  • “We don’t look backward for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt Disney
  • “You put yourself on an island and begin to measure yourself by a standard that’s impossible to achieve.” – Dr. Dave
  • “Effort and intentions sometimes don’t always go how we wished but as long as we’re not intentionally cutting corners and trying to maintain high value for our patients, then we can all sleep well at night.” – Craig
  • “You remember more of where you’ve been and what you’ve seen than what stuff you’ve had.” – Craig
  • “Wouldn’t this be great if there was one site where you can just type in the address and see if there’s any CE courses?” – Craig
  • “If I would’ve believed in myself, I would’ve gone and purchased a practice earlier.” – Craig
  • “If we pull away and do something different, it allows us to enjoy dentistry when we have a little time away from it.” – Craig

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