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Envisioning where you want to end up in life is the first step towards making it happen. Andrew Turchin did just that and built his business patiently and wisely so that he could end up exactly where he wanted to be. On this episode, he shares the hurdles and fascinating details that are a part of his story. They all helped him end up with a successful and fulfilling life in an unlikely place.

Andrew’s specialty and passion in dentistry is with reconstructive and cosmetic dentistry. He grew and sold a successful practice in NYC and is now growing a successful practice in the small tourist town of Aspen, Colorado. Training and retaining staff, as well as customers, is a common issue with local businesses, but he was prepared for the challenge –  thinking out of the box to make it work.

You will gain some great insight from Andrew regarding the importance of beginning with the end in mind as well as “dreamscaping.” He emphasized the unconventional method he developed his skills, as well as the important process of gaining confidence. He later shares how you should not be afraid to ‘toot your own horn’ along with great tips on how he gets his team motivated and involved.

Key Quotes:

  • “We try to report leading indicators and get people excited – Take good opportunities to say, “You did a great job!” and “Awesome!” and people just do it more. It’s just positive reinforcement.”
  • “Life does guide people where they should be if you’re listening close enough.”
  • “I’ve taken plenty of courses, don’t get me wrong, but my best knowledge has been practicing in the practices of those people that people end up taking a continuum with.”
  • “I truly believe in somebody being right there either chair-side or a phone call away to help people through the process and to learn that way, versus sitting in a lecture and thinking you’re going to go back and reconstruct someone’s mouth Monday morning.”
  • “You can either focus on that failure or you can make it a success.”
  • “I’m not very shy so I’ll tell people who I think I am and what I think I can do for them and I’ll do that every day.”
  • “Focus on your zone of genius or unique ability as much as possible.”

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