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Quotes & Notes:The Bold Biography of Dr. Marc Cooper - Relentless Dentist Podcasts

  •  One of the things about being in the business is that there is a certain consistency with being a dentist.
  • In my work, you need to be flexible.
  • Bring whatever you might need instead of preplanning.
  • “Be the change you want to see in the world,”  Gandhi.
  • Distinction, which is how you see the world, determines how you act in the world.  No distinction no power.
  • Working on the inside to produce outside results.

The better I know myself the better choices that I can make. 

Therefore produce better outcomes I can achieve.

  • Today it [dentistry] is about we.
  • Most dentist are unprepared to maximize their assets in this new ecology.
  • When you have external money flowing into an industry it is a game-changer.
  • You can’t win the war by yourself, so collaborate.
  • Failure for me is a constant.  It’s my relationship to failure that’s changed.  Everyone fails.
  • Breakdowns are the access to the future.  You can’t change something unless it fails.
  • Last week I tried to produce a new kind of course, and I said I would fill it with people.  I failed.  It was a failure to keep a promise.
  • There are five hats you have to wear.  Ownership, Leadership, Management, Marketing, and Clinician.
  • Yes, [I have barriers] myself being the toughest one.
  • Trust yourself to express yourself and see what that gives you.
  • Dr. Copper would suggest every dentist read Courage by Gus Lee.

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